I hope everyone had a nice weekend, despite the cold!
Joke of the week: What do astronauts like to read?
Language Arts- This week we will begin Unit 4 of our Journey’s series, lesson 16. Our essential question is, What kinds of things do scientists study? We will read, Dear Mr. Blueberry and What is Science?. As we read the stories we will focus on the details, the main idea, and summarizing. We will be learning even more sight words, now we have 6 for each week. Some are ones we already know, and some are new! The sight words we will focus on are: is, of, many, how, so, where. We will review the long and short sounds of the letter e and i and words that have an “e” in the middle and their word families. In grammar, we will learn about questions: question words (Who, what, where, when, why), how they end in a question mark, and how to create question sentences.
Language Arts Centers- This weeks centers will be reading and creating correct sentences, sight words, word family endings such as et, -en, -eg, -ed and sounding out and identifying CVC words associated with pictures to spell them out.
Math- This week we will finish Chapter 5- Addition and have our test on Tuesday.
Math Centers- This weeks math centers will include addition.
Jesus Time- We will read our Children’s Beginner Bible Stories that they love and watch videos on the stories we read to follow-up on what we read and understand each story a little more!
Science: This week we will continue to discuss about the weather and winter animals.
Song of the Week: Reason by Unspoken
Have a wonderful week!!
Answer: Comet books!