Happy New Year! I hope and pray that each of you is healthy and safe.
6th, 7th, and 8th Social Studies
This week each of the social studies classes will be starting a series of assignments about Martin Luther King Jr. We will begin by doing a brief biographical assignment to brush up on our facts, and then we will study his ideas and strategies of nonviolent protests and civil disobedience, as outlined in his letter from the Birmingham Jail. In addition to research and written assignments, we will examine the artifacts relating to Martin Luther King Jr. in the collection of the Smithsonian, and we will take a “virtual tour” of the National Civil Rights Museum. The culminating assignment will be exploring how King’s philosophy and strategies are being applied to our society today. We will resume our regular lessons late next week.
6th Religion
In religion this week, we will be studying Samuel. Samuel served Israel as a judge, a priest, a prophet, and he anointed the first two kings of Israel. Due to the schedule changes this week, their memory quiz has been moved to Friday. The verse for this week is Hebrew 1:1-2, which is on page 55 in the student book.
8th Religion
The eighth grade will be studying the conquest of Canaan under the leadership of Joshua. Then we will get into the book of Judges, beginning with Deborah. Like sixth grade, the memory quiz has been moved to Friday. The verse for this week is Joshua 1:9, which is on page 53 in the student book.