Hello, everyone! Here are the updates for this week.
6th Religion
On Monday, we are finishing up the last lesson of Unit 2: Samson. The test on Unit 2 will be on Friday, December 10th. You may view the study guide here.
6th Social Studies
In social studies this week, we are continuing to study Ancient India. Since religion is so entwined with Indian culture, the lessons will be heavy on their religious beliefs- Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism. The students will do an activity comparing the beliefs of these different religions to what we believe as Christians. The test on Topic 4 will be next Thursday, December 16th.
7th Social Studies
This week we are finishing up the American Revolution and reviewing for the Topic 3 test. The test will be on Tuesday, December 14th. The review will be posted on Tuesday, December 7th.
8th Religion
In eighth grade religion, we are finishing up the last lessons of Unit 2: Rahab and the Spies, and the Battle of Jericho. The theme of both of these lessons is that God uses unlikely people and strategies to accomplish His will. We just need to trust Him. The test on Unit 2 will be on Thursday, December 16th. The review will post on Friday.
8th Social Studies
This week we are finishing up Topic 10 be learning about the inventions that brought America, and the world, into the modern age- the automobile, the light bulb, the telephone, et cetera. Then we will review for the test on Tuesday, December 14th.