Joke of the Week: Why does everyone love Frosty the Snowman?
Language Arts- This week we begin Unit 3 of our Journey’s series, lesson 11. Our essential question is, How does the weather change in different months and seasons? We will read, Every Season, Jump in January, and Holidays All Year Long. As we read the stories we will compare and contrast. We will learn new sight words, come & me and review the letter/sound Aa and we will blend and build words. In grammar, we will learn about parts of a sentence: subject.
Language Arts Centers- This weeks centers will be reading, creating correct sentences, and beginning and ending sounds.
Math- This week we will continue Chapter 4 – Represent and Compare Numbers 10.
Math Centers- Numbers up to 10.
Jesus Time- We will continue to read our Children’s Beginner Bible Stories that they love and watch videos on the stories we read to follow-up on what we read and understand each story a little more and talk more about the reason for Christmas!
Social Studies: We will discuss and watch videos on Christmas and the different ways people celebrate.
Science: This week we will continue to discuss why animals hibernate and migrate.
Song of the Week: O Come (Let Us Adore) by Jordan Smith & Away in the Manger
Have a great week!
Answer: He’s cool!