Happy Thanksgiving!
I hope you have a wonderful short week, and an enjoyable Thanksgiving Break. Just a reminder that Wednesday is the Thanksgiving Day Feast and Fun Day.
This week we will be focusing on the following topics:
ELA- This week we will be presenting our Book Talks on Tuesday and Wednesday. Just a reminder that Book Talks are due on Monday. We will be practicing them with a partner on Monday to prepare for our presentations.
Math- This week we will continue Chapter 4-Divide by 1 digit numbers. Please continue to work on fact fluency at home. Xtramath is an excellent resource to practice math facts.
Social Studies- This week we will continue in S.S.Chapter 2, Three Worlds Meet. As well as learn about the 1st Thanksgiving.
Science– We will be working on a Turkey STREAM project. Be on the lookout for our finished turkey’s coming home Tuesday or Wednesday.
Religion- This week in religion we will be talking about thankfulness.
Please always reach out if you have any questions or concerns. The best way to reach me is through talking points, and I am looking forward to an amazing week learning with an amazing class.
Walk as children of light (for the fruit of light is found in all that is good and right and true), and try to discern what is pleasing to the Lord. Ephesians 5: 8b-10