Welcome back for another exciting week of nursery school.  The children are settling down nicely into our class routine and I am very proud of them.  As we strive to keep everyone safe, please remember to complete the daily attestations each morning prior to coming to school.  

This week we will talk about empathy and what it means to say “I’m sorry” and care for our friends.  Our focus will be on sharing, caring, and working together. We will read Llama Llama Time to Share, Bear Feels Sick, I’m Sorry, and Duck & Goose

Colors and shapes are the name of the game this week.  We will talk about circles, the color blue, the number “2” and the letter “T”. For Jesus time, we will continue to learn the Johnny Appleseed prayer, which we will continue reciting at snack time for the month of October.

Upcoming Important Dates:
October 5, 2021 – ECC Back to School Night at 7:00pm via Zoom
October 11, 2021 – No School – Columbus Day
October 22, 2021 – No School – Teacher Professional Development Day

I look forward to a wonderful week.  If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to me through ClassDojo or via email [email protected].  

Have a blessed week.