We are having so much fun in the nursery classes. We are enjoying playing with our friends and  learning new things!

Last week we started our color unit and it was RED week. We all wore something red and had a yummy red snack of red apples and strawberries! We played I spy and found red things in our classroom. We also went fishing for colored fish!

We are finishing up our five senses unit. We have been enjoying seeing, smelling, tasting, hearing and touching !

This week is YELLOW week! We are using our imagination while singing our yellow marshmallow song! We pretend to be big yellow tunas, monkeys eating yellow bananas,  yellow bumble bees and  yellow eyed monsters!  We will all wear yellow and have Curious George visit our classroom on Wednesday! We can’t wait to see what that silly monkey will do!

Our farm trip to White Post Farms is this Friday, October 4th. We are looking forward to seeing all God’s creatures and picking pumpkins!