We are enjoying our start to Kindergarten! We have become acquainted with our classroom, teachers, classmates, and our daily routines. As we continue each week we add to our learning topics, activities, and enjoyment.
Here is a brief overview of what we learned this past week 9/13 – 9/17
Language Arts- Letters A, B, C, and D. We are reviewing each letter, repeating their sounds, watching videos, and tracing and writing the upper and lowercase letters.
Math- We love to count the days of school by putting a dot on our ten pen (frame) each school day. Along with the number of schools day we discuss and learn about numbers 1-5.
To gauge where the children are academically we have been assessing them in language arts and math. There is nothing to study, this is just to see where the children are after last year and to determine how to proceed!
Lastly, we have been completing our back to school backpack craft. This allows the teachers and the students to get to know one another. They children have told us their favorite thing to do in school, color, food, and birthday!
Joke of the Week: Why are fish so smart?
Language Arts- This week we are starting the first unit in our Journeys Language Arts book. Each day we open with identifying sounds, and rhyming. Our topic for the week is families, how they are different, the same, near, far, and big or small. The two super exciting sight words we are learning this week are, “I” and “go”! The letters we will be reviewing are letters E, F. G, H, and I. We are also learning the importance of our first names and using an uppercase letter for the first letter and lowercase letters for the rest of our name (please make sure your child writes an uppercase letter ONLY as the first letter in his/her name, all the rest lowercase!). Going forward we will be correcting letters that are written as uppercase when it should be lowercase or lowercase when it should be uppercase. With learning our names we will also be discussing nouns for people! Ex. Dylan, girl, boy, dentist, coach, etc.
We will have our first language arts assessment this Friday! It will consist of letter names, rhyming words, the sight word I, and nouns for people.
Math- We will begin Chapter 1 this week, we are learning to count, write, and represent numbers 0 to 5. We will be using counter chips, students as counters, and manipulatives.
Jesus Time- We will continue to read stories from Ms. Vollono’s children Bible, watch videos and complete activities to retell the stories we read. We are currently finishing up our project about God’s Creation Story. We have broken down each of the 6 days and drawn pictures or added stickers to show what God created that day.