READING – In addition to reviewing alphabet out of sequence, we are learning the terms of first, next and last as applies to picture sequence and story order, listening for the beginning “n” sound, learning the high frequency word, “A-a”, reviewing the word “The- the” and reading the mini book ” A Gift.”

MATH- We are beginning the N.Y. State mandated core curriculum this week. Some of the concepts we learned in past weeks, however, we will be exploring them in a different and more thought provoking way. We will compare objects for differences and similarities, looking more closely at why they are similar and/or different, count in a specific way using beans to three and five, and categorize items.

RELIGION- Our Bible story for this week is Noah’s Ark.

SCIENCE- We will continue with material from last week.

SOCIAL STUDIES- Our focus is a continuation from last week. We will also talk about Fall changes.

HANDWRITING- We are practicing pull down, slant right, slant left, and circle strokes.


I will not be in school on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, October 2,3, & 4. Ms. DeVaul will be here with a substitute teacher.

Please help sell fundraising items as it helps our school.

Interruptive talking has been a concern. Please remind your child to raise his/her turn to speak.

Quote of the week.

“As the blossom cannot tell what becomes of its fragrance, so no one can tell what becomes of his influence.”

Be a good influence this week!

Have a great week!

Mrs. Uss