It is hard to believe the school year is coming to a close. At school, we have had many conversations about this year and the memories we’ve made together. Each one of us was challenged in different ways but we continued to move forward, and, in the end, we succeeded. I applaud the second graders, for, on a day to day basis, they worked hard and they learned the big lessons but also many small lessons in between. I hope they take what they’ve learned, whatever that may be, and apply it to their future days. May they continue to grow and grow strong. They are each unique and amazing children and along the journey, I was grateful for each day we were together. How lucky am I to have the best job in the world! Thank you for allowing me to be a part of just a snapshot of their lives.

We have learned and tried,

We have laughed and cried.

Through the days we’ve traveled

How fast they’ve unraveled!

Skills and friendships we’ve strengthened

Memories- lots to mention…!

But as we say our goodbyes

And leave with sad eyes

We look forward to summer

Bright hot days, sun and water

Know one thing my dear friends

I will not let you end

For inside my own heart

There you’ll be a sweet part

So I wish you good luck

and I say a quick prayer

and I wish you a fun summer

and a great third grade year!

We will have our final test (Unit 2 Social Studies) on Tuesday of this week. 

All hardcover books must be brought back to school unless you have received your books from Boces.  All softcover consumable workbooks are for the students to keep.

Our last day of school is Thursday, June 17. Dismissal will be at noon.

Summer Review Packets will be sent home. Please have your son/daughter complete this work over the summer in order to review important concepts learned this year. Time for reading should be set aside for each day. Why not extend D.E.A.R. Time (Drop Everything And Read) into each summer afternoon? 

Our class moms have been fabulous! They have extended themselves throughout this challenging school year. With snacks, amazing crafts and seasonal games, they really added creativity, fun and spirit to our second grade celebrations! We thank both Mrs. King and Ms. Rensing for all of their efforts and time! 

To all other moms, dads, grandparents and all others for your donations, support and extra kindness you’ve shown -we thank you! Everyone has played a valuable part in allowing this year to be successful for the second graders…it takes a community.

Please allow me to once again say thank you for sharing your children with me. God bless your summer days ahead. May they be bright and sunny.


Mrs. Ryan