I hope everyone had a great weekend! We are very excited to celebrate the Earth this week!
Joke of the week: How do trees get on the internet?
Language Arts- This week we will review Lesson 23 of our Journey’s series. Our essential question is, What steps can someone follow to plant and grow flowers? We will read, Oscar and the Frog, Zinnia’s Flower Garden, and Growing Sunflowers. As we read the stories we will focus on sequence of events, conclusions, and visualizing. We will be learning 6 new sight words: she, all, over, when, her, some. We will also review the long and short sounds for the vowel e. In grammar, we will discuss Proper Nouns for Days and Months.
This weeks language arts centers will focus on word families, CVC words, and writing sight word and CVC sentences around the room.
Math- In math we will continue working on Chapter 10- Identify and Describe Three-Dimensional Shapes. So far we have learned about spheres, cube, and cylinders; this week we will focus on cones, and placement of things, in front, behind, and besides.
Math Centers- This weeks math centers will involve 3D shapes- spheres, cube, cylinders, and cones.
Jesus Time- We will continue to read our Children’s Beginner Bible Stories, we love reading this book! After each story the children look forward to watching a video pertaining to the story we read and connecting what we read to the video!
Science: This week we will be discussing the Earth and how to treat our planet nicely! We will discuss how to reduce, reuse, and recycle!
Answer: They log on!
Have a great week!