I hope everyone had a relaxing and peaceful Easter break. Here are the topics we will be covering this week.
Earth Science: In class this week we will be working on a lab discussing weathering. We will learn about how ice affects rocks and soil. The test on Chapter 10 will be Tuesday 4/20. A review sheet will be given out this week.
Physical Science: In class this week we will be continuing with chemical bonding and learning the differences between ionic, covalent and metallic bonds. The test on Chapter 13 will be Tuesday 4/20. A review sheet will be given out in class this week.
Life Science: In class this week we will be working a lab learning all about fungi/yeast. For this lab we will be learning how to complete a formal lab report which will help prepare the students for high school next year. The test on Chapter 11 will be on Tuesday 4/20. A review guide will be given out in class this week.
Living Environment: The exam on Unit 6 will on Tuesday 4/13. The review guide is on the classroom. In class this week we will be discussing animal evolution and diversity along with all the different systems animals are made up of.
If extra help is needed please make sure to reach out and set up an appointment with me.