Reading/Language Arts
We continue to focus on Luke Goes to Bat, a realistic fictional story
Our Spelling Words include night, light, right, lightning, kind, find, behind, spy, July, fry, by, why, child, wild, high, sigh
Phonics Focus: Long i (i, igh, ie, y)
High Frequency Sight Words- any, blue, carry, doing, else, room, studied, sure, teacher, turned
Our week’s Vocabulary words: practice, hurried, position, roared, extra, curb, cheered, final
Vocabulary Strategy- antonyms
Grammar Goals: subject-verb agreement
Fluency Fine-tuning: putting stress on words as we read
Writer’s Workshop
We will have a Spelling test and a Reading test on Tuesday!
Chapter 6 will be completed- Test Wednesday
3-digit addition and subtraction and word problems
Complete Animals-How are they categorized by scientists?
Social Studies
Cursive letters a, d
We will read the stories Jesus Heals the Paralyzed Man, The Ten Lepers and Jesus Brings a Widow’s Son to Life, all miracles of Jesus during his short stay here on earth
*As always, you are invited to “attend” Chapel on Zoom by using the link on Google Classroom for the daily morning announcements which begin at 8:30. Chapel will immediately follow the announcements every Wednesday.
We recognized the 100th day of school on Thursday! As a class, we listed 100 Reasons to Smile throughout the day! No wonder second grade is always smiling for they easily listed so many things that make them happy! We were challenged by 100 Ways to Make 100, practicing our adding and subtracting…the race continues…
We pledged to read and read we will, when words we feed our brains we’ll fill! March 2nd was Dr. Seuss’s birthday and marked the beginning of Read Across America which will continue for the month of March here in second grade. We already know how important reading is, and so we will sharpen our focus on how we can include more reading in our life. In school, we will dedicate time each day to quietly read a book(s) of our choice. We have also begun a reading challenge which will end on March 31. This challenge, if met, will award the phenomenal reader a special prize when all tasks are completed, with a dose of good humor. Please email me pictures of your little readers in action! Their pictures will be added to our classroom Reading Wall of Fame! Students will also have the opportunity to read their favorite books to the class so prepare to share! Setting time aside each day for reading for pleasure is so very important. I encourage everyone to be a role model for your children. Why not donate more time each day in your family life and support your young readers!
Second grade had the wonderful opportunity to lead Trinity’s Chapel service on Wednesday. The focus of our message was, “What is Lent?” Together as a class we continue to explore the season of Lent which is actually a beautiful season of the church. As we noted in our message, “This is a time to stop and think. We reflect and look at ourselves and our actions. What we do each day in our daily lives in really important.” Second grade decided to strengthen their relationship with God and in doing so, become closer to God. “How will we do that in our classroom, we asked? How do we keep our thoughts and hearts on God without getting distracted?” Turning to the Bible verses Matthew 4:1-11, we read that Jesus wandered in the desert for forty days, fasting, while Satan tried to tempt Jesus to sin by asking him to turn stones to bread. We discovered that Jesus kept his focus on God by praying. And so, we have decided to intentionally pray for each and every person here at Trinity during the forty days that lead us to Easter. Together we have made a prayer chain and each of the forty links has names of Trinity students, faculty and staff which we name each morning. We learned that there is only one way to be saved, for our sins to be forgiven; when you have a relationship with Jesus. Only then do you feel the love he has for us. And so, Lent is simply about love. The children all played important roles in sharing this message with our Trinity family and I am so proud of them.
Please email me at [email protected]. if ever you have a question or concern. As always, be sure to check for daily emails as well as additions/updates on Google Classroom.
God bless.
Mrs. Ryan