Hope everyone had a great weekend! Lots of rain, but at least no shoveling was required!
Joke of the week: What did one ocean say to the sea?
Language Arts- This week we will continue Unit 4 of our Journey’s series, lesson 18. Our essential question is, In what ways is the Atlantic Ocean special? We will read, One-Dog Canoe and Atlantic. As we read the stories we will focus on the author’ purpose, reading with expression, and figurative language. We will be learning sight words: will, be, into, that, your, who and will review the letter Rr and its sound. In grammar, we will learn about verbs in the future tense, ex. I will run. Key word being will, making it known that it will be done in the future. Lastly, we will write and create and copy sentences using our sight words.
This weeks language arts centers will focus on sight words, and fixing sentences.
Math- In math we will finish Chapter 8 and have our test on Wednesday 3/3.
Math Centers- This weeks math centers will involve addition and numbers 1-20.
Jesus Time- We will read our Children’s Beginner Bible Stories that they love and watch videos on the stories we read to follow-up on what we read and understand each story a little more! We will also continue to discuss Lent and how Jesus died on the cross and rose again from the dead!
Science: This week we will be discussing the Atlantic ocean and the animals that call it home.
Tuesday we will celebrate Dr. Seuss’s birthday and read and discuss all the rhyming and fun books he wrote!
On Thursday we will be celebrating the 100th Day of school (we made it!!!) we will have streamers throughout the classroom, count to 100 many times, receive 100th day badges, show off our 100th day shirts, and more!
Have a wonderful week!!
Answer: Nothing, it just waved!