I hope everyone enjoyed the winter break, and it sure was a winter one!!
Joke of the week: What did a tree wear to the pool party?
Language Arts- This week we will continue Unit 4 of our Journey’s series, lesson 17. Our essential question is, How do living things change as they grow? We will read, It Is the Wind, From Caterpillar to Butterfly, and Anansi and Grasshopper. As we read the stories we will focus on sequence of events, predicting, and the authors word choice. We will be learning sight words: find, from, but, this, came, on; and will review the letter Gg and its sound. In grammar, we will learn about proper nouns for places, people, and pets. Lastly, we will continue to write create sentences.
Math- In math we will begin Chapter 8- Represent, Count, and Write 20 and Beyond. This week we will be discussing numbers 1-100.
Math Centers- This weeks math centers will deal with numbers 1-100. These topics include numbers counting and identifying 1-100, addition, and subtraction.
Jesus Time- We will read our Children’s Beginner Bible Stories that they love and watch videos on the stories we read to follow-up on what we read and understand each story a little more!
Social Studies: We will continue to talk and learn about influential people who left long standing impacts on our society and contributed greatly to the reason we celebrate Black History month! This week we will be discussing Rosa Parks, and Astronaut Mae Jemison.
Science: This week we will be discussing living verses non living things and identifying which is which, as well as how living things grow.
Have a wonderful week!!
Answer: Swimming trunks!