Hello Parents, I hope everyone is doing well and enjoyed the weekend. There is no school on Friday due to Parent Teacher Conferences.  Please remember to complete the daily attestations each morning prior to coming to school.

This week is Lutheran Schools Week.  The theme for the week is Sent to Serve based on Matthew 20:28 “The Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”  This week we will be collecting new socks for the homeless and food for the blessing box and for the Uniondale food pantry. If you can, please send in a donation of such with your child this week.   

We will be learning the letter Rr and the number 18 this week. Continuing with our theme for the month of January – Awesome Animals, we will start unit 4, which is called “Animals Grow and Change.”  The message from this unit is that animals grow and change just like we grow and change. The vocabulary words for the week include: baby, adult, change, grow and stage. We will be reading the books “Butterflies”, “Dora’s Eggs”, and “Is Your Mama a Llama?”  For math, we will learn ordering by time, with the vocabulary words before, during and after.

Our Scholastic Weekly reader this week is all about ice.  We will explore ice in all stages. For Jesus time we will talk about serving, specifically how we can serve by following in Jesus’ footsteps.

Our specials this week include:
Art: Wednesday 11:00 am
Chapel: Wednesday 2:00 pm
Physical Education: Thursday 12:30 pm

Upcoming Important Dates:
Friday, January 29th – School Closed – ECC Parent Teacher Conferences
Friday, February 12th – ECC Wear Red Day
Monday, February 15th – Friday, February 19th – School Closed – Winter Recess

I will be sending homework packets out on Monday which will be due on Thursday.  All communications from me will be posted through the Class Dojo app. If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to me through class dojo or via email [email protected].  Have an amazing week!