Reading/Language Arts
This week we will read the biography of Helen Keller
Our Spelling Words for the week ahead: (Long o words) own, most, soap, float, both, know, loan, goat, flow, loaf, throw, coach, so, grow, swallow, ocean
Phonics Focus: Long o (o, oa, ow)
High Frequency Sight Words- all, food, front, hair, never, party, sky, started, stories, warm
Our week’s Vocabulary words: knowledge, curious, motion, silence, illness, imitated, darkness, behavior
Vocabulary Strategy- Suffix -ly
Grammar Goals: Using Proper Nouns
Fluency Fine-tuning: natural pauses in our reading
Writer’s Workshop-As we write, we incorporate more details into our sentences and are always aware of punctuation and capitalization. Reading our writing aloud helps us proofread to be sure our sentences make sense!
Completion of our New Year’s Resolution writing
Beginning stages of Opinion writing-the persuasive essay
Writing a winter poem
We will have a Spelling Test and Reading Test on Friday
Chapter 5
2-digit subtraction
Animal Biodiversity: How do scientists classify animals?
Cursive letters i, t, u, w
It is National Lutheran Schools Week! Our focus is “Sent to Serve.” As followers of Jesus we will look at the many ways we can, as second graders, use our gifts to serve others.
On Wednesday we will “attend” chapel on Zoom from our classroom-remote learners, please use the link on Google Classroom.
Please email me at [email protected]. if ever you have a question or concern. As always, be sure to check for daily emails as well as additions/updates on Google Classroom.
May our days ahead be blessed.
Mrs. Ryan