I hope everyone had a great long weekend and enjoyed the nice weather!
Joke of the week: Why did the lumberjack break his tools?
Language Arts- This week we will finish our first book, Unit 1 of our Journey’s series. This week we will be opening our lessons by listening and identifying beginning sounds, reviewing the four sight words we have learned (I, like, the, and) and continue discussing our new vocabulary. This week we will review the sounds for letters Mm and Ss. Our topic for the week is tools to help us, and our essential question is: How do tools help us do things with our hands? We will read stories such as The Little Red Hen, The Handiest Things in the World, and Stone Soup. As we read our stories this week we will focus on details, and cause and effect, as well as, pausing for punctuation and asking questions pertaining to the text we read.
This week we will review our four sight words. Each day we will focus on one and either do a worksheet in class or I will send one home for homework, to ensure the children continue to identify and spell them!
We will continue to learn about action verbs in the present tense. The students will act out action verbs and put them into a sentence.
Language Arts Centers- This will be our third week of centers and the children look forward to them each week. I set a timer and the students have 10-15 minutes to complete their center of that day! This weeks center topics are: sight words and beginning sounds.
Math- This week we will continue to work on Chapter 3, Represent, Count, and Write Numbers 6 to 9!
Jesus Time- This week we will continue to enjoy Ms. Vollono’s children’s Bible and watch videos to retell us the story we read!
Science: This week we will read our scholastics on voting and pumpkins!
Answer: It was an axedent!
Have a wonderful week!