Happy early Thanksgiving to one and all! Since it is a short week, my notes will also be abbreviated. There are no tests or quizzes in any of my classes this week, but here are the updates:

6th Religion- This week we will be studying Korah’s rebellion, which is a very serious reminder that we are all given a choice whether to follow God or man, and that following God is always the way to go.

6th Social Studies- The students will begin the new unit on Ancient India. Since it is a short week, we will focus mainly on the geography of the Indus River Valley.

7th Social Studies- The students will learn about slavery in the 13 colonies, including the horrors of the transatlantic slave trade. On Wednesday they will begin research projects on the history of Gullah culture.

8th Social Studies- In eighth grade social studies the students have been learning about entrepreneurs, inventors, and the beginning of the labor movement. This week the students will be researching lesser known entrepreneurs and inventors of the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

8th Religion- This week we will learn about Moses’ final days leading the people of Israel, and the advice that he gave the people before he died.