We are so excited to begin another week in Kindergarten! I hope everyone had a nice long weekend!
Joke of the week: Which pet is the loudest?
Language Arts- We are continuing to learn in our Journeys Language Arts book. This week we will be opening by counting words in oral sentences, listening and identifying beginning sounds, sight words, and vocabulary. This week we will review letters Uu, Vv, Ww, and Xx. Our topic for the week is pets, and our essential question is: Why do people have to take care of their pets? We will read stories such as I Have a Pet!, Please, Puppy, Please, and Different Kinds of Dogs. As we read our stories this week we will focus on predicting, understanding story structure, conclusions and clarifying what we read.
The next sight word we are learning is “the”, we will learn how to say it, spell it, and most importantly identify it throughout the stories we read and sentences we make. I will send home “the” worksheets to ensure the children continue to identify and spell it!
Last week we were learning that words that name people and places are nouns, and this week we will learn that words that name animals and things are also nouns. We will identify different animals and things and label them as nouns.
Language Arts Centers- This week we will be begin language arts centers! I will set a timer and the students have 8-10 minutes to complete their center of that day! We will begin by doing centers 2 days this week. Half the class will complete one activity one day and then the next center day they will complete the other one the other half of the class completed. This weeks center topics are: beginning sounds and sight words!
Math- This week we are beginning Chapter 2, Comparing Numbers to 5!
Jesus Time- This week we will continue reading Ms. Vollono’s children Bible and compare what we read to videos we watch!
Science: This week we will read an October scholastic about fall and discuss different words we associate with October!
Have a wonderful week!
Joke Answer: A trumpet!