This week we celebrate Lutheran Schools week. Each day will bring with it a special activity that will showcase our love for God joy-fully, thank-fully, hope-fully, faith-fully and peace-fully. We will participate in the Lutheran Schools chapel service at 9:10 am on Wednesday. Please don’t be late!
We will also discuss and explore letters E and D and their sounds. E is for eggs and D is for donuts. For our science project, we will mix and churn ice cream in an ice cream churning ball. We will enjoy a special donut snack to celebrate letter D. We will be forming letters on playdough mats and with playdough stampers. We will complete letter bingo marker worksheets as well.
This Saturday is the pancake breakfast fundraiser at Applebee’s from 8-10 am. Proceeds will benefit the ECC. Come enjoy breakfast served by the teachers and support a great cause!