Welcome to Mrs. Flomer’s first-grade notes!

 Here’s a look at what we will be doing this week!

Spelling– The words for this week are: back, pack, rack, tack, sack, quack.  The challenge words (that are also our “R” book words for this week) are: what, your, they, on.  The children will write their spelling words 3x each for homework, and they should be handed in by Tuesday.  There will be a Spelling test on Friday.

Phonics– We will focus on the sounds of  m, k, and j.

Reading: We will read the story Quack on Tuesday.  The children will bring home their Reading book that night to read the story again at home.  The take home story this week is “The Duck Shack”.  This story is taken out of their workbooks and brought home on Monday.  They are not tested on this story.  There will be two homework sheets coming home each night that will reinforce the concepts taught in class.  There will be a Reading test on Friday.

Math– We began our unit on addition and subtraction.  There will be a workbook page for homework each night.

Language Arts– questions; exclamations

Religion– Read and discuss the stories about  “Isaac” and “Joseph

Science– plant and animal needs

Social Studies– customs and celebrations


1AA News


Our Star of the Week is Savannah!  Savannah is new to our school, and we are learning all about her!

I am looking forward to speaking to all of the parents at Back to School Night on Wednesday at 7 p.m.!  I will be going over our classroom procedures, routine, curriculum, and answering questions.  That evening, I will be asking you to sign up for a conference time for our November parent/teacher conferences.

Please encourage your child to read every night to help strengthen his/her skills.  They should be reading for about 10 to 15 minutes each day.



Empty your child’s “T” folder each night!  Please keep your child’s reward

chart in the folder and place any notes to me in that folder each day.

Study for our spelling and reading tests on Friday

Send in your child’s pizza money by Thursday of each week.

Have a great week, and feel free to email me any time with questions or concerns: [email protected]


“Your children are the greatest gift God will give to you, and their souls the heaviest responsibility He will place in your hands. Take time with them, teach them to have faith in God. Be a person in whom they can have faith. When you are old, nothing else you’ve done will have mattered as much.”
Lisa Wingate