Where did January go?! I hope everyone had a great last weekend of January!
Joke of the week: Why did the woman go outdoors with her purse open?
Language Arts- This week we will finish Unit 3 of our Journey’s series, lesson 15. Our essential question is, What can we see in the sky? We will read, How Many Stars in the Sky?, What a Beautiful Sky!, and What Will the Weather Be Like? As we read the stories we will focus on sequence of events and the author’s word choice. We will review the sight words we have learned this chapter: come, me, with, my, you, what, are, and now. We will also review the letters/sounds for /a/, /b/, /n/, /f/ and continue to identify blends, and sounds in the beginning, middle, and end of a word. In grammar, we will learn about statements and how they tell about something, they have a naming part, or subject, and an action part, or verb. We will also discuss how to organize our thoughts to create a sentence or story.
Language Arts Centers- This weeks centers will be reading, writing, and creating correct sentences, roll a sight word, word family endings such as -an, -ap, -at; and sounding out CVC words and match them with pictures.
Math- This week we will continue Chapter 7 – Represent, Count, and Write 11 to 19.
Math Centers- This week we will do math centers. Two to three times a week we will break into smaller groups and each group will focus on a math topic we have learned or are learning. These topics include numbers 1-14, addition, subtraction, and more!
Jesus Time- We will read our Children’s Beginner Bible Stories that they love and watch videos on the stories we read to follow-up on what we read and understand each story a little more! .
Science: This week we will discuss weather and the sky.
Have a wonderful week!!
Answer: Because she expected some change in the weather!