Hello, I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas break! I am very excited to see the children tomorrow and get back into the swing of things! 🙂
Joke of the week: What do you call a sheep with no head or legs?
Language Arts-Â This week we continue Unit 3 of our Journey’s series, lesson 12. Our essential question is, What do animals do when the weather changes? We will read, Storm is Coming, Snow, and How Water Changes. As we read the stories we will focus on understanding characters, and conclusions. We will learn two new sight words, my and with, and review the letter n and words that have the letter Nn. In grammar, we will learn about the verb part of a sentence, and lastly, in writing we will focus on word choice.
Language Arts Centers- This weeks centers will be reading and creating sentences, sight words, beginning sounds, and word family endings such as -an, -ap, -at.
Math- This week we will continue to learn about Chapter 6 Subtraction. We started this chapter before the break, therefore we will ease back into it, recap and continue to learn about subtracting.
Jesus Time- We will read our Children’s Beginner Bible Stories that they love and our religion book, God’s People Get a Land of Their Own.
Science:Â This week we will discuss how water can be a solid, liquid, or gas.
Have a wonderful week!!
Answer: A cloud!