I hope everyone had a great weekend! I cannot believe this is our third week in Advent!
Joke of the week: What did Adam say the day before Christmas?
Language Arts- This week we will review the many topics we have learned the last four months. We will focus on our letters, sounds, sight words, reading passages, and more. I will be assessing each student on the sight words we learned thus far, and I encourage families to continue to practice them and to read over the break as well. We will complete worksheets, activities, and games to reinforce what they have learned so far this year. For example we will play sight word bingo, create sentences using our sight words, and identify letters and the sounds they make.
Language Arts Centers- This weeks centers will be sight words, beginning sounds, rhyming, and -at, -ar, CVC word families.
Math- This week we will begin Chapter 6 Subtraction and carry that over into the new year. This week I will send home addition and subtraction practice sheets to help your children not forget what we have been learning!
Jesus Time- This week we will read and discuss the story of The First Christmas and the reason for the season.
Science: This week we will read our December scholastic about hibernation and another about baking.
Being the third week of advent we will “light” (color in) the third candle on our advent wreaths. We will continue to discuss the reason for the season, and enjoy some Christmas stories and activities! I will send their wreaths home on Friday and you can light the fourth candle with your child during the break!
Our wonderful Christmas concert is this Tuesday, December 17th, please mark that on your calendar!
Have a wonderful week!!
Answer: It’s Christmas, Eve!