I hope everyone had a great weekend! This week is our second week in Advent!
Joke of the week: If April showers bring May flowers, what do May flowers bring?
Language Arts- This week we begin Unit 3 of our Journey’s series. Our essential question is, How does the weather change in different months and seasons? We will read Every Season, Jump into January, and Holidays All Year Long. As we read the stories we will focus on comparing and contrasting, text features, and questioning the text. We will learn two new sight words, come and me, and review the short a sound, and blend words. In grammar, we will learn about the subject part of a sentence, and lastly, in writing we will focus on word choice.
Language Arts Centers- This weeks centers will be a reading sentences, sight word, beginning sounds, and writing around the room.
Math- This week we will continue to learn about Chapter 5 Addition. This is a long chapter and the children have been doing great so far.
Jesus Time- This week we will read our Children’s Beginner Bible Stories that they love and our religion book, God’s People Get a Land of Their Own.
Science: This week we read a December scholastic.
Being the second week of advent we will “light” (color in) the second candle on our advent wreaths. We will continue to discuss the reason for the season, and enjoy some Christmas stories and activities!
Our Christmas concert is Tuesday, December 17th, please mark that on your calendar.
Have a wonderful week!!
Answer: Pilgrims!