I hope everyone had a great long weekend, and thanked any veteran’s in their lives! This week will be different as we have two days off throughout the week! Due to the odd week we will carry over our language arts, Journey lessons into the following weeks, up until Thanksgiving! Therefore, we will not be rushed and can complete all that is necessary! Also, our weekly assessments will not be on Fridays the rest of the month, rather a Tuesday!
Joke of the week: What do you get from a pampered cow?
Language Arts- This week we will continue our Journey’s series. We will be opening our lessons by blending and segmenting words. For example, /j/ /am/ equals jam; then I will say the word and the students will separate the word into two sounds, for example mop and the students will say /m/ /op/! We will also learn our newest sight word, “a” as well as two advanced words including “play” and “go”, learn more vocabulary, and review the sounds for letter Cc. Our topic for the week is how animals move, and our essential question is: Why do different animals move in different ways? We will read stories such as Jonathan and His Mommy, Move!, and The Hare and the Tortoise. As we read our stories this week we will focus on details, comparing, contrasting, and visualizing what we hear. In grammar we will learn about adjectives for color and create sentences such as, The sun is yellow.
Language Arts Centers- This weeks center will be geared to each student, and they will be put into groups to challenge what they have learned thus far!
Math- This week we will finish Chapter 4, Represent and Compare Numbers to 10 and have a test on Friday!
Jesus Time- This week we will enjoy our religion book, God’s People Get a Land of Their Own, reading the passages and completing the sticker activities! We will also read the Beginners Bible and watch videos about the stories we read!
Social Studies: This week we read our Scholastic on Veteran’s!
We have also come into a shortage of glue sticks, I believe only glue bottles were on the supply list, with that being said if you have any extra glue sticks at home or would like to donate glue sticks to our classroom, it would be greatly appreciated!
Answer: Spoiled milk!
Have a wonderful week!