O Give Thanks unto the Lord for He is good!
As we begin the month of November we will be reflecting on the goodness of our God and our response of thankfulness. Jesus’ time this week is the response of praise as seen in Miriam dance and song as God’s children are freed from Egypt. So in Social Studies we will talk about our community’s freedom to elect our officials and to thank our veterans for their service to our country,
Math continues to review our shapes and focus on the numeral 8 and patterns in numbers. We will also be practice writing our number 8 as well as review spiders and their 8 legs.
As the Fall season deepens we will be working with “Leaves”. In the book, I AM A LEAF by Jean Marzollo, we will discuss the job of a leaf and now the cessation of photosynthesis. We chose our favorite leaf and will sponge paint it in our favorite fall color. (COLORFUL LEAVES by Maria Fleming).
Social Studies will bring to an end the study of the farm with the discussion and uses of a scarecrow on the farm. Books and stories will include THE LONELY SCARECROW by Tim Preston and THE FALLING LEAVES AND THE SCARECROW. We will also have an opportunity to make our own scarecrow.
As we all know community has been the survival of our culture. We will be going to the library on Wednesday and learn more on how libraries add to community development. We will be reading LOLA AT THE LIBRARY by Maria McQuinn.
As October is Hispanic Heritage month we of course celebrated through music – The Jamaican March using our maracas; we ate some delicious tacos; made a Molas, a sample of applique work from Panama and read the book, HOT TAMALES by Gary Soto. This week we will celebrate the Indian festival of DIWALI, the greatest holiday in the Hindu calendar. We celebrate through music, art, snack, and books.
In Art with Mrs. Kerwin we will begin our traditional turkey, while in the classroom we will be reading a variety of “turkey books”.
Today we read a book entitled HAROLD AND THE PURPLE CRAYON by Crockett Johnson. The children then had the unique opportunity to be Harold and create their own purple drawings.
May your November be one of thankfulness and praise to our Lord for His abundant goodness towards us.
And may He rest His hand gently upon you now and always!