I hope everyone had a great weekend, I cannot believe we are nearing the end of October already!
Joke of the week: What is the most musical vegetable?
Language Arts- This week we will begin our second unit of our Journey’s series. We will be opening our lessons by blending words, I will blend the sounds to say the word. For example, /j/ /am/ equals jam. We will also learn our newest sight word, “see”, learn more vocabulary, and review the sounds for letter Aa. Our topic for the week is senses, and our essential question is: How do our senses help us learn about the world? We will read stories such as Listen, Listen, My Five Senses, and Poems about Senses. As we read our stories this week we will focus on comparing, contrasting, and clarifying details. In grammar we will learn about sensory words, such as bright, noisy, salty, wet, etc. Authors use these words to help us know how things look, sounds, taste, smell, or feel.
Language Arts Centers- This weeks center topics are: beginning sounds, rhyming, syllables, and our new sight word.
Math- This week we will finish Chapter 3, Represent, Count, and Write Numbers 6 to 9 and have a test on Wednesday!
Jesus Time- This week we will continue to enjoy our second religion book God Bless Families, reading the passages and completing the sticker activities!
Science: This week we read our Scholastic on firefighters!
We have also come into a shortage of glue sticks, I believe only glue bottles were on the supply list, with that being said if you have any extra glue sticks at home or would like to donate glue sticks to our classroom, it would be greatly appreciated!
Answer: The beet!
Have a wonderful week!