As we begin a new week we ask our loving God to be with us and keep us in His gracious care.
During Jesus’ time that is exactly what we are learning about that Jesus is always with us as He promised in Matthew 28:20.
Our math lessons continue with intensive stress on the numbers 1-5 and this week the shape is the rectangle.
We have had such fun with learning about pigs. In the literature we read two versions of the THREE LITTLE PIGS fairy tale and compared the differences. Then we created our own version using the flannelgraph.
We have completed our Monet projects and they are ready to go home. As blue is the weeks color the project fit in very well.
Did you know that we go to Hawaii every week in gym class?
Our children are truly a blessing to us and it is a pleasure to be with them and work with them.
A few dates to remember: Tuesday, October 8 is back to school night; Friday, October 11 we go to the farm
May our Lord rest His hand gently upon you always!