Art Projects this week:

ECC4/ECC5 – an introduction to the art room, materials and a “Magic” Watercolor project

Ka/Kaa – finishing their picture “My Favorite thing about Kindergarten”

1aa – artist (Norman Rockwell)  “An Everyday Activity”

2aa – artist (M. Chagall) “My Dream”

3aa – magazine collage “Spare Part Art”

4a – artist (Mary Cassatt) “Summertime” a study of Impressionist Art

5a – “Creative Creatures” – imaginative drawing

6a/6aa – Batik “An Animal in its Habitat”

7a/7aa – “Word Art” construction paper collage

8a/8aa – “Fingerprint Frenzy” – a picture or comic designed with fingerprints

*** REMINDER***  If you are ABSENT from class it will be your responsibility to make sure you get your project and/or materials to complete your work by the NEXT SCHEDULED ART CLASS.