Our second week of school has officially begun and already we have had a fire drill and an experience playing soccer.
Now that we know that our Jesus loves so we will begin learning about the world which God has made for us. In the process we will be making a creation book.
In math we have began working with the number 2 (we’ve got two eyes); the square shape and patterning.
Computer class will bring more patterns as well as learning how to use the mouse.
We will begin Art class with Mrs. Kerwin this week as well as continue our work with the color yellow.
We continue to emphasize classroom, playground, and basic school safety.
Science has begun with the life cycle and study of the apple as well as the folk hero – Johnny Appleseed.
Friends and play the fun part of being in pre-school brings reading the Eric Carle book: DO YOU WANT TO BE MY FRIEND? and MY FRIENDS by Taro Gomi.
As we continue to play, learn, we work on the routines of daily school.
May our Lord rest His hand gently upon you now and always!