Here’s a look at what we will be doing this week:

Spelling- The new words for this week are: look, book, good, hook, brook, took, foot, shook, wood, hood, again, father, house, together. The children will write their 10 spelling words 3x each for homework by Tuesday. They should write 10 sentences that will be due on Thursday. Use at least 5 words in each sentence, using details. Spelling Test will be on Friday.

Phonics- oo words

Language Arts- possessive nouns

Reading: We will read the story Whistle for Willie. The children will read the story again at home. There will be Reading tests on Friday. The children need to be able to read the “R” book words, even if they are not on the spelling test, for the vocabulary part of the reading tests.

Math- Test Tuesday on chapter 9; practice test on Monday

Science- Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

Social Studies- Book 4: Money

Weekly Reader- Brave Ruby

1AA News

Report cards are available to view since last week. Please make sure you look at your child’s grades and contact me if you have any questions or concerns.

Thank you to those who sent in $10 for our class Wingo basket. Please continue to send in the donations if you haven’t already done so. Wingo is one of the PTFA’s biggest fundraisers for our school and the raffle baskets are a big hit!

Book order forms went home last week. You can order books online at using our class code, or send your order form and check to school by Tuesday.

You may send in your Easter breakfast items this week if they are non-perishable. Thank you all for helping to make this a fun memory for the first graders! The children may wear dress-up clothes that day (4/17).

Pizza envelopes should be handed in by Thursday at noon!

Have a great week!

Mrs. Flomer