READING – Our essential question is, “How do living things change as they grow?” We will answer the question by reading, Is it the Wind?, From Caterpillar to Butterfly, and Anansi and the Grasshopper. Our high frequency words are:ca find, from, but, this, me, and on, and we will learn the beginning and ending “hard g” sound. We will also discuss multiple meaning words and proper nouns for people, places, and things. In our Readers we will read the stories, Can You Find It? and Pam Pig.

MATH – We are identifying and counting numbers from 1-100 and also learning to count by 10’s. You can help by counting with your child and asking them to identify numbers you point to on the homework. You can also ask your child which number is greater/more or fewer/less than another number.

RELIGION – Our Bible story is, Jesus Heals a Paralyzed Man.

HANDWRITING- The students will practice letter F-f and review letters, C-c,and E-e.

SCIENCE- Spring changes will continue to be our topic.  We will also learn about the life cycle of butterflies.


Send Relative Day response forms to school by the date indicated.

Please check, correct, and sign all homework.


“We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.”                                    Winston Churchill


Mrs. Uss