READING- At the beginning of the week we will continue to review for our Unit 3 Reading test, which is on Tuesday, 3/19. Then the students will begin Unit 4 which asks the question, “What kinds of things do scientists study?” To help us answer the question we will read and discuss the stories, Dear Mr. Blueberry, What is Science? and Benjamin Franklin, Inventor. Our high frequency words will be six new words per week, which will require additional practice at home. This weeks words are, is, of, many, how, so, and where. The short and long sound for the letter “i” will be introduced. Students will learn to listen for the sound at the beginning and middle of a word and use it to blend and read new words. In grammar we will continue to identify the difference between a statement and a question and write sentences using a capital letter at the beginning and correct punctuation at the end.
MATH- The class will count and write numbers 18 and 19 and then begin to review Chapter 7 for a Math test on Friday, 3/22. More information will be sent home this week.
RELIGION- We have been discussing the season of the church year called Lent. In addition our Bible story is “Jesus Heals Ten Men.”
SCIENCE- Our Science will reflect our Reading question for this week.
HANDWRITING- Our focus is on capital and lower case “E-e.”
Reading test Tuesday, 3/19.
Math test Friday, 3/22.
Send in your change for our “coin jar” to help send a child to school!
K-5 has a special program on Thursday, 3/21, on conservation.
“Children require guidance and sympathy far more than instruction.” Anne Sullivan
Mrs. Uss