Can you believe we are already at the end of February? We are back from Winter Recess and are back in full swing.

7th Social Studies

This week we are beginning Chapter 7: Writing the Constitution. As I told the students, the chapter can be summed up in one statement: “We won the Revolution. Now what?” We will be studying the process of of how our current government structure was created and the challenges that went along with the process. There will not be any tests or quizzes this week.

8th Social Studies

The eighth grade is starting chapter 22, The Roaring Twenties, this week. We will be studying the political, social, and cultural changes of the 1920s. As we talk about the cultural and social changes, there are several ties to Long Island history, such as the roadways, mansions, and tourist attractions. There are no tests or quizzes this week.

8th Religion

In eighth grade religion, we are actually reviewing Unit 3, which primarily focused on the Judges and the early Kings of Israel. The test will be on Monday, March 4th, and will be an open Bible test. You may view the review here. The memory verse for the quiz on Thursday is Joshua 24:15, which is on page 77 in the student book. It is not the entire verse, so the students need to study from the book.