Dear Parents,
I hope everyone had an enjoyable week off. I am going to help your children learn their telephone number next week, please send me a private message through the dojo letting me know which telephone number you would like your child to learn. (cell number or home number)
This week at a glance:
Monday– All candy money is due tomorrow, library, soccer shots at 3:15 (only for those who registered)
Wednesday– Art, dentist visit, chapel
Friday– We will be attending the singing bus driver with the kindergarten and first grade classes, computer
We will be reviewing letters A-R, numbers 1-15, and all the shapes that we have learned. We will be learning the letter Ss this week. We will also be focusing on the theme, “Things we build”. We will be reading books including: “The three little pigs”, “White rabbit’s color book”, “Buildings” and “Alphabet under construction”. We will continue making predictions, retelling a Story, using picture clues, asks and answer questions.
In art, we are going to begin a new project.
I will be sending homework packets out on Monday which will be due by Friday. If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to me through the class dojo or via email [email protected].
Have a wonderful week!
*Important dates to remember:
-Friday, March 8th-School Closed-Staff Professional Development Day
-Friday, March 15th-Wear Green Day
-Friday, March 29th-Spring Show
-Thursday, April 18-Friday, April 26-School Closed-Easter break (return to school on Monday, April 29th)
-Friday, May 24th-School Closed
-Monday, May 27th-School Closed-Memorial Day
-Friday, June 7th-Pre-K Closing Program
-Friday, June 14th- Last Day of School (ECC only, not K-8)