Bless You at the New Year!
JESUS’ TIME: We continue to celebrate Jesus’ birthday — the coming of the Wise Men; how Jesus was revealed to the ancient prophets, Anna and Simeon; how our Father God protected His Son from the one who sought to kill Him; and that Jesus grew just as we are growing!
MATH: Reviewing our numbers, shapes, positional words, and patterns have been a priority for us this month.
SCIENCE: The Wonderful World of Winter
- Our unit on ice has been most successful. Our Vocabulary included ice, water, melt, freeze, liquid, and solid. We are beginning to know what scientist’s do: Develop hypothesis (guesses); experiment (test out); and draw conclusions. We found out that ice has a shape; has many properties; and has weight,
- Animals in Winter took the form of bears, foxes, snakes, turtles, squirrels, and owls. A visit to the Critter Room will conclude our study.
LITERATURE: This month has included: CHICKEN SOUP WITH RICE by Maurice Sendak which introduced us to the new year.; OVER AND UNDER THE SNOW by Kate Messner; FOX’S DREAM by Tejima; BEAR by John Schoenherr; OWL MOON by Jane Yolen; WINTER IN THE BIG WOODS by Laura Ingalls Wilder; and THE SNOWY DAY by Ezra Jack Keats.
ART WITH MRS. KERWIN: We illustrated a page of the book THE SNOWY DAY.
ART: Painting winter scenes at the easel was lots of fun as was creating the best snowman ever.
SOCIAL STUDIES: Using the book, HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MARTIN LUTHER KING by Jean Marzollo, we learned how much Martin loved Jesus and all people no matter what they look like.
LIBRARY: In addition to story time, ECC 5 students are now checking books out to be read at home.
COMPUTER: We have been reviewing our patterns; practice dressing appropriately for the weather; and designing snowmen.
GROSS MOTOR: Tricycles, Tricycles, Tricycles!
As the first semester draws to a close, we have had the opportunity to formally evaluate each child’s progress and then meet with our parents to discuss their children’s growth and development for greater success in the coming months. Thank you to the parents for their continued cooperation!
May our Lord rest His hand gently upon you now, in the new year, and always!