Dear Parents,
This week we will be reviewing letters A-M, numbers 1-10, and all the shapes that we have learned. We will be learning the letter Nn this week. I am also beginning to step up the independence in an effort to prepare the children for kindergarten. I have changed around their cubbies in order to reinforce their knowledge of their names. The children have begun signing in the class binder this last week and they have been doing great! They are beginning to identify the day of the week and writing their names on the appropriate day.
We will be reading various books such as Chicken Soup with Rice, Owl Moon and Peter the Wolf.
In art, we have begun a project based on the book, Snowy Day. We also completed a snowman name project which is hanging outside the classroom. We also completed a snowy window project which will be hanging up in our classroom.
We will be continue talking about hibernation as well as learning about animals that live in the cold. In math we will be discussing ordering objects by size and length, comparing lengths and counting to 10. We will also be continuing to match numeral to quantity.
We will be talking about Jesus as a little boy.
Our class will be visiting the gym on Monday of this week for a physical education lesson.
We will also be talking about Martin Luther King, Jr.
In addition, there will be speech screenings on Friday for those who have sent in their permission slips for their children to be screened.
Finally, a Parent Teacher sign up sheet will be posted outside the classroom on Monday. Please select a time slot that works for your schedule and sign up.
I will be sending homework packets out on Monday which will be due by Friday.
If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to me through the class dojo or via email [email protected].
Have a wonderful week!
*Important dates to remember:
-Monday, January 21st-School Closed-Martin Luther King Jr. Day
-Thursday, January 24th- Evening Parent Teacher Conferences
-Friday, January 25h- No School-Daytime Parent Teacher Conferences
-Thursday, February 14th-Wear Red Day
-Monday, February 18th-Friday, February 22nd-School Closed-President’s Week