God loved Us and sent His Son! 1 John 4:10
December has been a most exciting month for teachers and students alike. We have been getting ready for Christmas, the birthday of our King: God’s Son – Jesus. Throughout all our activities the goal has been to know God’s love in Jesus.
Jesus’ time has been filled the lessons of how He came to earth: the angel messenger, Mary, his mother, Joseph, Bethlehem, the stable, the shepherds, and the angel heralds.
Our time in Music has been filled with singing “Joy to the World”, “Star of Wonder”, and “Happy Birthday, Jesus” as well as others. Learning to play three different types of bells to some Christmas music has been a joy.
Social studies included a day of learning about Nicholas, the boy who would be Santa. Experiencing the discovery of candies in our shoes after rest hour was amazing to the students.
This time of year affords much experience in Literature especially in literary arts. We read the NIGHT BEFORE CHRISTMAS by Clement Moore from five different sources each using totally different art work and again with THE TWELVE DAYS OF CHRISTMAS which the children did learn to sing.
Even at Christmas math experiences can be found. We are each making our own Christmas Number Book while reviewing all of our colors, shapes, and numbers.
Art with Mrs. Kerwin shows a heart, our heart with the baby Jesus inside it. Mrs. Kerwin also gave us a tour of the Metropolitan Museum of Art and the Neapolitan Christmas Tree via the slides. If you have never seen it please try to do so.
Our classroom projects have definitely been “Christmas Secrets”.
With the Music, extensive literature, and our Christmas worship service, our children are learning that Jesus is the true and only gift of Christmas. Without his birth there is no Christmas.
Our prayer for you is that you find Jesus this Christmas and be filled with the love, joy, and peace only He can bring!
May our Lord rest His hand gently upon you this holy season and into the New Year!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!