Dear Parents,
We will be reviewing letters A-J, learning about the letter Kk and reviewing the numbers 1-10. We will also continue reviewing the shapes. This week we will be finalizing our Christmas program preparation and working on various Christmas projects. There is a sign up sheet on the bulletin board for party items-there is 1 item left; thank you to those who already signed up!
Also, please send in a 10″ Christmas gift bag along with some tissue paper. Your children are making gifts for you and your families; their gifts will go in the gift bag for them to give to you on Christmas. Also, please send in a small wrapped gift ($10 or less) for Santa to give to your child at the Christmas party after our show next week. If you do not send in a toy for your child, he/she will not receive one from Santa on Friday.
We will be reading various Christmas books and focusing on Jesus’s upcoming birthday.
We continue to practice writing our names independently throughout the day on all of our work. In addition, each day we are practicing identifying our own names during circle time.
I will be sending homework packets out on Monday which will be due by Friday.
Thank you to all who donated paper goods to our classroom, we are still in need of tissues. We appreciate your generosity and continued support!
If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to me through the class dojo or via email [email protected].
Have a wonderful week!
*Important date to remember:
-Friday, December 14th-Christmas Program at 9:15 am
-Monday, December 24-Wednesday, January 2nd-Christmas Break-School Closed