READING- Last week we answered the essential question, ” How do animals and people communicate?” by reading the stories Amelia’s Show-and-Tell Fiesta, Mice Squeak, We Speak, and The Fort Worth Zoo. This week we will answer the essential question, ” Why do different animals move in different ways?” by reading Jonathan and His Mommy, Move!, and The Hare and the Tortoise. Our high frequency words are, “we” and “a”. We will learn to blend sounds, to read new words, using the “t”, “hard c” and “short a” sounds, practice reading with expression, use action, color, and sensory words to express ideas, and write a simple sentence.
MATH- We are completing Chapter 4 this week. The students are learning how to count objects, write, and models different ways to make 10. We will also be learning how to count, order, and compare by matching sets to 10. Continue to reinforce the terms greater and less than as these are used to compare numbers. Our Chapter 4 test will be next Tuesday, 12/11. The Chapter 4 study sheets will be sent home at the end of this week.
RELIGION- We are discussing and making projects that will prepare our hearts for the birth of our Lord during this season of Advent. This week the students will learn the term Advent and its meaning and how God chose Mary to be the Mother of His Son.
SOCIAL STUDIES- As we prepare for Christmas, we will be discussing family traditions. If you have a Christmas family tradition please write it down, and we will share it in class.
HANDWRITING- We have been practicing tall and short slant left and slant right lines.
Send your response for the Christmas party by the due date.
An information sheet on Christmas class activities will be sent home this week.
Please help your child correct mistakes on their homework, and then sign the homework.
Our class is going to Santa Shop on Tuesday, 12/4.
Skill to do comes of doing.
Mrs. Uss