READING- Unit 2 begins with the essential question, “How do our senses help us learn about the world?” The students will listen to and discuss the stories, Listen, Listen, My Five Senses, and poems about senses, to help them answer the question. In addition they will learn the high frequency word, “see,” the short vowel sound “a” as in “apple,” and begin blending sounds using middle vowel “a” to read new CVC, (consonnant – vowel – consonnant,) words, make use of sensory words in describing objects, and read the stories “Aa” and “I See” in their Readers. You can help by providing reading opportunities in Early Readers that may use simple words that your child can “sound out” then blend as they read with you.
MATH- Our focus is to learn how to model, count, and write 7, 8, and 9. We will complete Chapter 3 this week and there will be a MATH TEST next Wednesday, Nov. 14. Materials to study will be sent home on Friday. You can help by counting objects around your home and compare the amounts as to greater or less than. Practice reading the number words six-nine.
RELIGION- Our Bible story is, “Joseph’s Brothers Get Food in Egypt.” Along with this story we will discuss thankfulness.
SOCIAL STUDIES- During the next few weeks, the class will learn about The First Thanksgiving, and how the Pilgrims and Native Americans helped each other. We will also discuss how the Native Americans on the plains and the Pilgrims lived and how it is the same and different from the way we live.
SCIENCE- We are completing our drawing of the sequnce of the growth of a pumpkin.
HANDWRITING- We are still working on circles.
Reading test tomorrow, Tuesday, 11/6.
Please sign all homework.
You can begin to “sign up” for a Parent/Teacher conference time beginning Tuesday afternoon, 11/6.
The true object of education should be to train one to think clearly and act rightly.
Mrs. Uss