We are reading about explorers in our Social Studies unit. On Friday the students became modern day explorers and chose a new place to lead an expedition to explore. They completed world maps and chose a water route to take along their journey. Next week they will designing and constructing a model of the ship they will need to sail around the world. They worked so nicely with their partner explorers as they got more immersed in the idea of what it would be like to explore a place they know nothing about!
WEEK: November 5-9
SPELLING: aloud, bald, hawk, south, faucet, proud, claw, tower, stalk, couple, howl, false, dawn, allow, drown, pause, fault, cause, amount, cloudier Challenge words: applaud, foul, browse, gnaw, doubt
READING: “Me and Uncle Romie”; Vocabluary: glorious, studio, concerned, model, smeared, ruined, yanked, streak, schedule, feast
GRAMMAR: progressive verb tenses
MATH: multiplication: area models, partial products, regrouping
SOCIAL STUDIES: Chapter 3, Lesson 3 NY Becomes and English Colony
SCIENCE: Unit 5 Animals Inspired by Nature; Pumping Parts
RELIGION: “Dear God” letters
TESTS this week:
- Thursday – Memory Quiz
- Friday – Reading, Grammar, Spelling
- Please return the Thanksgiving Feast Form this week.
This week’s prayer video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XZ2kdx4zZUY