READING– Our essential question is: “What kinds of work do people do?” To help us answer that question we will read and discuss the stories, Pizza at Sally’s, Everybody Works, The Elves and the Shoemaker, and The Lion and the Mouse. Our sound this week is the sound for “m”, our high frequency word is “and”, in grammer we will learn about action verbs,( words that show movement, ie. run, jump, see etc.), and we’ll classify and categorize words for jobs. The students will also read the stories, “Mm” and “I Like Mm” in their Readers. You can help by: having discussions about jobs and explain to your child what you do at your job, play an “Mm” sound guessing game, ie. ” I am thinking of a word that is an animal you would see swinging from trees in a jungle. What word am I?” then continue in this manner for other words that begin with the “m” sound, give your child directions using an action word, have them identify the action word, then do the action, and use the word “and” in sentences, and ask them to use the word too, then count how many different sentences you can say.

MATH- Our next chapter explores the concepts of representing, counting and writing numbers 6-9. This week our focus is on the number 6.

RELIGION- We will continue with the story of Abraham.

SCIENCE- Our focus will be “all about pumpkins.” We will learn how they grow,  and different ways to use a pumpkin. We will also learn about making Science predictions which will culminate with a sink and float activity.

HANDWRITING- We will continue to practice to “slide across” from left to right. The class will also write a sentence about Autumn.


Math test Tuesday, 10/23.

Pumpkin Farm trip Friday, 10/26. Send in a labelled water bottle, and dress your child in playclothes appropriate for outdoor weather conditions.


Example is not the main thing influencing others. It is the only thing.


Mrs. Uss