READING- Our essential question this week is, “Why do people have to take care of their pets?” To help us answer the question we will read and discuss the stories, I Have a Pet, Please, Puppy, Please, and Different Kinds of Dogs.” The class is also reviewing all capital and lower case letters out of sequence, learning to distinguish beginning sounds in words, learning the high frequency word ” the,” learning that nouns name people, places, animals and things, and about words that have the same or almost the same meaning, ie. large, big, (synonyms.) We will read the stories, Baby Bear’s Family and The Party in our Readers. You can help by discussing the essential question at home, practicing letter and sound recognition, and using the high frequency words learned thus far in sentences.
MATH- The class is beginning Chapter 2. This chapter’s essential question is, “How do we compare numbers to 5?” This week we will match sets to determine if the sets are “equal” or “greater than.” You can help by using the above terms at home when comparing two sets of items in your house. Example: plates to people at the dinner table, forks to plates, etc.
RELIGION- The students will be discussing the story Noah’s Ark. You can help by reviewing the story in sequence, talk about different animals, and remind your child that God always keeps His promises.
SOCIAL STUDIES- Our focus is on the explorer Christopher Columbus and his importance in history. We will explore like Columbus and visit our school helpers to learn more about their jobs here at Trinity.
HANDWRITING- We will continue to practice correct pencil grip and “pulling down, ” from the top line to the bottom.
Kindergarten has picture day on Wednesday, October 17.
Please complete the Pumpkin Farm permission form and send to school with your payment as soon as possible, as the due date has already passed.
Life can only be understood backwards, but it must be lived forwards.
Mrs. Uss