Mrs. Kerwin’s School Notes — Week of 9/5 – 9/7/18

Welcome Back to School and all our Creative Adventures in the Art Room!

All K-8 and Art Elective students must bring a pencil and agenda book to each class.  Students who DO NOT have a pencil will be unable to work on our project and will have to make up the project at another time.  K-5 students must have a smock or old shirt they can keep in their homeroom until needed for class.  Middle school students will only need to bring an old shirt to class when I request it.  At times your child might have to write down an assignment in their agenda.  This might be to bring in an item from home such as a magazine or a printed image from the computer.  Students in Kindergarten through Grade Two will usually get a note sent home informing parents/guardians if there is an item to bring in and the due date.

Please Note:  Should your child be absent from an art class he/she will be required to make up the missing project at another time.  For Middle School students EXTRA HELP for art is offered by appointment with an art pass during Recess and/or Lunch periods.  All students will be notified of this information at their first art class.

ECC Art Classes will start in two weeks.

If parents and/or students have any questions at all they may reach me at [email protected] or call the school and I will get back to you by the next day.  I teach classes only on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays.

I look forward to meeting all of you at our first Back to School Night and I am excited to start creating with all of your children!

This Week in Art:

5A — Candy Corn Characters Assorted Assemblage Collage

8A/8AA — Initial Zentangle Squares (patterns, contrast and lines)

3AA — Favorite Family Memory Drawing Quilt Collage (based on the book Tar Beach by Faith Ringgold)

1AA — Rainbow Fish Drawing in Oil Pastels (based on the book with the same title by Marcus Pfizer)

7A — Tissue Collage (a study of the work of artist Darrah Gooden)

KA — Meet the Art Room Intro and lesson on How Artists See the Seasons/Fall

6AA — A lesson on the concept of foreshortening/Drawing a Person Falling Down from Somewhere or Something

***Tuesday’s Art Classes will meet for their first art class next week.

Keep reading each week to stay informed about what your child is learning in class, any important information/contests/homework and how you can help your child succeed in art class. Till then, keep creating and God Bless!

Mrs. E. Kerwin