Our Spring show is on Tuesday, May 22nd at 7:00. Mr. DeVries has send home numerous notes about the show. Costumes can be brought to school for Monday’s rehearsal. We have a full dress rehearsal on Tuesday morning, so costumes must be in school on that day, as well.
Math: We are continuing our investigation of perimeter and area. We are having our chapter test on Wednesday, May 30th. Additionally, we have been focusing on making sure all our multiplication facts are memorized by the end of 3rd grade. This past week we focused on 6 as a factor. We are having a timed test on 6’s on Tuesday, May 22nd. Then we are immediately moving onto 7 as a factor. A packet will be sent home and due back on Tuesday, May 29th. We are having a timed test on 7’s on Tuesday May 29th. PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU ARE REVIEW MULTIPLICATION FACTS WITH YOUR CHILD.
ELA: Because we are spending a lot of time rehearsing for our play, our story was spread over two weeks. There will be comprehension, vocabulary, and grammar tests on Thursday. NO SPELLING THIS WEEK
Anchor Text: The Journey of Oliver K. Woodman
Moving the U.S. Mail
Comprehension Skills and Strategies
- Target Skills
- Sequence of Events
- Formal and Informal Language
- Target Strategy
- Analyze/Evaluate
Target Vocabulary
- sincere
- managed
- loaded
- loveliest
- conversations
- inspired
- reunion
- currently
- pleasure
- terror
Vocabulary Strategy
- -er, -est
- possessive nouns and pronouns
Test and Quizzes
Tuesday 6 as a facor
Thursday Reading Comprehension, Vocabulary, and Grammar tests