I recently took an educator training course on mindfulness and it was an amazing experience. Teaching students how to be in the moment and stay focused is so valuable in the classroom. You will probably hear kids talking about some of the ideas I’ve shared with them including the science of how our brain works!
Week of: April 30 – May 4
Spelling: poster, secret, whether, author, rocket, bushel, agree, bucket, ticket, declare, chicken, clothing, apron, whiskers, degree, gather, achieve, rather, bracket, machine
Reading: Anchor text – “The Ever-Living Tree”; Vocabulary – resources, dense, evaporate, shallow, moisture, civilized, continent, opportunities, customs, independence
Grammar: punctuation and capitalization
Writing: writing procedural compositions
Math: comparing decimals
Science: Unit 5 Lesson 2 What are Some Internal Structures of Animals?
Social Studies: Test on Chapter 9
Wednesday – Social Studies, Chapter 9
Friday – Spelling, Reading, Grammar
- This Friday is the K-5 Sing-A-Long fundraiser for Long Island Cares. Please send in the registration form with the $3 donation by Wednesday.
- Our field trip to Old Westbury Gardens is next Thursday, 5/10. Please return signed permission slips this week.
- The Spring Concert is next Tuesday, 5/8. Performance permission slips are due back to Mr. Satinkamp ASAP.
This week’s prayer video: http://www.justmindfulness.com/
Check out JusTme’s song, “School Days”