Happy New Year to all! Now that we are officially back from break, here are the plans for the coming week.

7th Social Studies

This week we are studying the early steps toward the American Revolution. We will be studying how the colonists resisted and protested the taxes levied by the British as well as the sanctions placed upon the colonists for their protests. At the end of the week, we will begin reviewing for the social studies midterm exam. The study guides will be posted on line.

8th Social Studies

To start this week,we are studying civil rights leaders of the early 20th century, Booker T. Washington and W.E.B. Dubois, and how they contributed to American society, and provided a template for later leaders.Later this week, we will begin reviewing for the social studies midterm exam. The study guides will be posted on line.

8th Religion

This week we are wrapping up Unit 2 with our study of the Battle of Jericho. The students will then review unit 2 for a test on Friday, January 12th. The study guide may be viewed here. 

On a personal note, than you to each of you for your generous and thoughtful Christmas gifts. You are all a blessing to me.